Home>>  Manufacturing services list for traction system design

ID Name Type Description Provider Domain Input parameters Output parameters
A Basic parameter design Rest Obtain basic parameter according to users' requirements Platform manager Elevator P,Q,V,α,H P,Q,V,α,H
B Traction scheme design Rest Choose traction scheme based on rated load Q and velocity V Platform manager Elevator Q,V Traction schedule
C Traction parameter design Rest Obtain traction parameter based on Traction schedule Platform manager Elevator Traction schedule r,θ
D Tractor power calculation Rest Pd=(1-α)*Q*V/(102*η);Calculating the power of tractor according to the equation where Q is rated load, V is velocity, α is balance coeeficient and η is mechnical efficiency Platform manager Elevator Q,V,α,η Pd
E Tractor type choose Rest Choose tractor type according to velocity V, traction ratio r and tractor power Pd Platform manager Elevator V,r,Pd D1,N,n1,RGS
F Counterweight mass calculation Rest Mcwt=P+α*Q; Calculating the counterweight mass according to the equation where P is car weight, Q is rated load and α is balance coefficient. Platform manager Elevator P,Q,α Mcwt
G Compensation mass calculation Rest MCR=ns*qs*r*H-Mtrav; Calculating compensation mass according to equation where ns is the number of ropes, qs is unit quality of rope, r is traction ratio, H is lifting height and Mtrav is the mass of traveling cable. Platform manager Elevator ns,qs,r,H,Mtrav MCR
H Rope mass calculation(car side) Rest MSRcar=ns*qs*H; Calculating rope mass on the car side according to equation where ns is the number of ropes, qs is unit quality of rope and H is lifting height. Platform manager Elevator ns,qs,H MSRcar
I Rope mass calculation(counterweight side) Rest MSRcwt=ns*qs*H; Calculating rope mass on the car side according to equation where ns is the number of ropes, qs is unit quality of rope and H is lifting height. Platform manager Elevator ns,qs,H MSRcwt
J Traveling cable mass calculation Rest MTrav=nt*qt*H; Calculating rope mass on the car side according to equation where nt is the number of traveling cables, qt is unit quality of traveling cables and H is lifting height. Platform manager Elevator nt,qt,H MTrav
K Friction calculation of hoistway (car side) Rest FRcar=fj*P*gn; Calculating rope mass on the car side according to equation where fj is friction coefficient and P is car weight. Platform manager Elevator fj,P FRcar
L Friction calculation of hoistway (counterweight side) Rest FRcwt=fj*Mcwt*gn; Calculating rope mass on the car side according to equation where fj is friction coefficient and Mcwt is counterweight mass. Platform manager Elevator fj,Mcwt FRcwt
M Working condition choose Rest Choose the required working condition Platform manager Elevator LC,RC,EBC LC,RC,EBC
N μ1 query Rest Query friction coefficient μ1 on loading condition Platform manager Elevator LC μ1
O μ2 query Rest Query friction coefficient μ2 on retention condition Platform manager Elevator RC μ2
P μ3 calculation Rest μ3= 0.1/(1+Vc/10); Calculating friction coefficient μ3 according to the equation where Vc is traction velocity. Platform manager Elevator EBC,Vc μ3
Q Equivalent friction coefficient calculation 1 Rest f=μ*4*(cos(γ/2)-sin(γ/2))/(π-β-γ-sinβ+sinγ); Calculating equivalent friction coefficient according to the equation where β is lower cut angle value of the groove, γ is upper angle angle value of the groove, μ is μ12 and μ3. It is suitable for u-shaped groove on all kinds of working conditions. Platform manager Elevator μ123,β,γ f1,f2,f3
R Equivalent friction coefficient calculation 2 Rest f=μ*4*(1-sin(γ/2))/(π-β-sinβ); Calculating equivalent friction coefficient according to the equation where β is lower cut angle value of the groove, γ is upper angle angle value of the groove, μ is μ1 and μ2. It is suitable for v-shaped groove without hardening treatment on loading condition and emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator μ12,β,γ f1,f2
S Equivalent friction coefficient calculation 3 Rest f=μ/sin(γ/2); Calculating equivalent friction coefficient according to the equation where γ is upper angle angle value of the groove, μ is μ1 and μ2. It is suitable for v-shaped groove with hardening treatment on loading condition and emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator μ12 f1,f2
T Equivalent friction coefficient calculation 4 Rest f=μ/sin(γ/2); Calculating equivalent friction coefficient according to the equation where γ is upper angle angle value of the groove, μ is μ3. It is suitable for v-shaped groove with hardening treatment on retention condition. Platform manager Elevator μ3 f3
U Equivalent friction coefficient calculation merging Rest Merging services that used to obtained f1,f2 and f3. It is suitable for v-shaped groove. Platform manager Elevator f1,f2,f3 f1,f2,f3
V Car side tension calculation(LC, Lowest) Rest T1=(P+125%*Q)*gn/r+MSRcar*gn; Calculating tension according to equation where P is car weight, Q is rated load, r is tration ratio and MSRcar is rope mass on car side. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the loading condition. Platform manager Elevator P,Q,r,MSRcar T1
W Counterweight side tension calculation 1(LC, Lowest) Rest T2=Mcwt*gn/r; Calculating tension according to equation where r is tration ratio and Mcwt is counterweight mass. It is used when the car is at the lowest position without compensation device on the loading condition. Platform manager Elevator r,Mcwt T2
X Counterweight side tension calculation 2(LC, Lowest) Rest T2=(Mcwt+MCRcwt)*gn/r; Calculating tension according to equation where r is tration ratio, Mcwt is counterweight mass and MCRcwt is compensation rope mass. It is used when the car is at the lowest position with compensation device on the loading condition. Platform manager Elevator r,Mcwt,MCRcwt T2
Y Tension ratio 1 calculation(LC, Lowest) Rest TR1=T1/T2; Calculating tension ratio according to equation where T1 is car side tension and T2 is counterweight side tension. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the loading condition. Platform manager Elevator T1,T2 TR1
Z Verification of tension 1 (LC, Lowest) Rest TR1≤ef1; Verifing tension according to equation where TR1 is tension ratio,f1 is equivalent friction coefficient and θ is traction angle. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the loading condition. Platform manager Elevator TR1,f1 Accept1 GB
A1 Car side tension calculation 1(EBC, Highest) Rest T3=(P+Mtrav)*(gn-a)/r+FRcar/r; Calculating tension according to equation where P is car weight, r is traction ratio, a is acceleration, Mtrav is traveling cable mass and FRcar is friction of hoistway. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator P,r,a,Mtrav,FRcar T3
B1 Car side tension calculation 2(EBC, Highest) Rest T3=(P+Mtrav+MCRcar)*(gn-a)/r+FRcar/r; Calculating tension according to equation where P is car weight, r is traction ratio, a is acceleration, Mtrav is traveling cable mass, MCRcar is compensation rope mass and FRcar is friction of hoistway. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator P,r,a,Mtrav,FRcar,MCRcar T3
C1 Counterweight side tension calculation(EBC, Highest) Rest T4=(Mcwt)*(gn+a)/r+MSRcwt*(gn+r*a)-FRcwt/r; Calculating tension according to equation where r is traction ratio, a is acceleration, Mcwt is counterweight mass, MSRcwt is rope mass and FRcwt is friction of hoistway. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator r,a,Mcwt,FRcwt,MSRcwt T4
D1 Tension ratio 2 calculation (EBC, Highest) Rest TR2=T3/T4; Calculating tension ratio according to equation where T3 is car side tension and T4 is counterweight side tension. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator T3,T4 TR2
E1 Verification of tension 2 (EBC, Highest) Rest TR2≤ef2; Verifing tension according to equation where TR2 is tension ratio,f2 is equivalent friction coefficient and θ is traction angle. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the emmergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator TR2,f2 Accept2 GB
F1 Car side tension calculation(EBC, Lowest) Rest T33=P*(gn+a)/r+MSRcar*(gn+r*a)-FRcar/r; Calculating tension according to equation where P is car weight, r is traction ratio, a is acceleration, Mcwt is counterweight mass and FRcar is friction of hoistway. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator P,r,a,MSRcar,FRcar T33
G1 Counterweight side tension calculation 1 (EBC, lowest) Rest T44=Mcwt*(gn-a)/r+FRcwt/r; Calculating tension according to equation where r is traction ratio, a is acceleration, Mcwt is counterweight mass and FRcwt is friction of hoistway. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator r,a,Mcwt,FRcwt T44
H1 Counterweight side tension calculation 2 (EBC, lowest) Rest T44=(Mcwt+MCRcwt)*(gn-a)/r+FRcwt/r; Calculating tension according to equation where r is traction ratio, a is acceleration, Mcwt is counterweight mass, MCRcwt is compensation rope mass and FRcwt is friction of hoistway. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator r,a,Mcwt,MCRcwt,FRcwt T44
I1 Tension ratio 3 calculation (EBC, lowest) Rest TR3=T33/T44; Calculating tension ratio according to equation where T33 is car side tension and T44 is counterweight side tension. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the emergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator T33,T44 TR3
J1 Verification of tension 3(EBC, lowest) Rest TR3≤ef3; Verifing tension according to equation where TR3 is tension ratio,f3 is equivalent friction coefficient and θ is traction angle. It is used when the car is at the lowest position on the emmergency breaking condition. Platform manager Elevator TR3,f3 Accept3 GB
K1 Car side tension calculation 1(RC, Highest) Rest T5=(P+Mtrav)/r; Calculating tension according to equation where P is car weight, r is tration ratio and Mtrav is traveling cable mass. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the retention condition. Platform manager Elevator P,r,Mtrav T5
L1 Car side tension calculation 2(RC, Highest) Rest T5=(P+Mtrav+MCRcar)/r; Calculating tension according to equation where P is car weight, r is tration ratio, MCRcar is compensation rope mass and Mtrav is traveling cable mass. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the retention condition. Platform manager Elevator P,r,Mtrav,MCRcar T5
M1 Counterweight side tension calculation (RC, Highest) Rest T6=MSRcwt; Calculating tension according to equation where MSRcwt is rope mass. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the retention condition. Platform manager Elevator MSRcwt T6
N1 Tension ratio 4 calculation(RC, highest) Rest TR4=T5/T6; Calculating tension according to equation where T5 is car side tension and T6 is counterweight side tension. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the retention condition. Platform manager Elevator T5,T6 TR4
O1 Verification of tension 4(RC, lowest) Rest TR4≤ef3; Verifing tension according to equation where TR4 is tension ratio,f3 is equivalent friction coefficient and θ is traction angle. It is used when the car is at the highest position on the retention condition. Platform manager Elevator TR4,f3 Accept4 GB
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